Babies Per Woman

Professor Hans Rosling shows the dramatic change in the number of babies per woman in the last 50 years. Throughout history, women on average have given birth to more than five babies. In the 1960’s the numbers suddenly started falling, and is now down to less than three.

Babies Per Woman

Professor Rosling’s model is hopeful for the future, but doesn’t help a woman who is currently struggling to maintain control of her body due to:

  • Laws obstructing reproductive rights.

  • Lack of funds to purchase contraception.

  • Lack of insurance coverage.

  • Lack of transportation to doctor visits for contraception prescription.

  • Lack of technology to make and attend telehealth visits.

  • Lack of sexual partner support.

  • Lack of sexual education.

  • Lack of tolerance.

Full article


World Population Chart


Kurt Vonnegut Letter From 1988 To 2088